Wednesday, May 4, 2016

JOTOS...A Mother's Day Wish

1 in 4.
1 in 8. 

Those are hard numbers to swallow if you're the one. 

I am/was the one. Friend, I know your pain. I know the heartache. The out of body feeling as you sit cold in a hospital gown stunned in silence at what the Doctor just told you. I get it. I heard the same thing. The impossibility hit me too. Right in the gut. In that moment, I would've rather had been hit by a bus. 

Maybe it's you I'm writing to. Maybe you're the one I've been praying for this week. My heart has been heavy at the thought of you. You're dreading Sunday. You wish you could just go and hide and not have to face the warm congratulations that surround all those around you. I know, I've been there. Not too long ago, I ran out of a church service and hid in a room and bawled while Mothers were being honored. It cut me to the core. The pain was real, it was intense. 

I'm a young bride. I got married 6 weeks shy of my 19th birthday. I knew something was different about me based on my teenage years. I knew that my hormones worked differently than others. I just assumed it was normal. Maybe my body just wasn't finished working out the kinks just yet. 

My husband and I had been married 6 months, almost to the day. It was a SundayMay 6th to be exact. We had great services at church all day and I just felt good. It was one of those days where you feel like the sun is shining on you everywhere you go. I took some pictures after church that night with some friends. I still have them, they turned out really well! We went home afterwards and I started to feel odd. I didn't really know how to explain it. My husband asked me what was wrong and I told him "Oh, I am just cramping pretty bad." That's all it was in my mind. I thought back over the last few weeks and realized it had been a while so maybe my body was just resetting.  We laid down and I laid there in agony. I took some medicine to try to cut the pain, it didn't work. Hours passed and I began to feel like something was very wrong. I got up and made my way to the bathroom.  I had a sinking feeling. I suddenly started crying and didn't know why. Everything ached.  Then, it happened. I became 1 in 4. I realized what was going on. I didn't want to believe it... But regardless of my resistance, it was true. I was distraught and laid there in the floor sobbing. 

I went on to lose yet another precious child about a year and a half later. I still wasn't quite sure what was going on. All I knew was that the doctor had said I have PCOS. I did some research into that and figured out I had it worse than most, my symptoms were on the more severe side of the chart. A friend pointed me in the direction of another doctor who could help. I went to him expecting him to tell me that the others were wrong and that there was hope for me. We did blood tests, ultrasounds and exams and I sat patiently waiting for results. When they arrived, the Doctor walked in and was a little quieter than I cared for. He said "Well, they're not terrible, but they certainly aren't good." He went on to explain what certain levels were and what they meant and then got to the hard part. He said, "Without a miracle, it looks like it probably won't happen for you. Your body can get pregnant, but won't ever carry a baby to term. Now, I have some options..." My mind shut off at that point. Devastated, was a total 
 understatement. I walked out of that appointment feeling more broken than I have ever felt. We went on with the medications, I used everything like he told me to. More months passed. We had a service one night at church that was just phenomenal. You couldn't stand there and say you didn't feel the presence of God. I felt him nudge my heart and in that moment I felt peace. I decided "it is well." No matter what happened from that point I knew I was okay. 

A few months later, my husband and I were talking late one evening and I had this silly music running through my head. I didn't know where it came from, but it played on repeat through the halls of my mind. So I decided to put words to it... "We're gonna have a baby, we're gonna have a baby, we're gonna have a baby and her name is Addyson Grace." He laughed, and we joked about how he wanted a boy and I told him that it was going to be a girl. The next month, we decided I would stop one of the medications just to see where we were at and how my body would handle not being on it. Everything went as we planned and we marched on through the holidays. My husband and I are the Children's Pastor's of our church and each December, we have a big event called the Static Kids Awards. The night went perfectly and we were so thrilled with it. The next day, we went back to the church to break it all down and put everything away. While we were there, I was incredibly moody. One minute I was happy, the next I was screaming. It was very odd for me to be like that. I just assumed I was over tired. The next morning, we got up for church and again, I was in a mood. My husband had enough of it, and said "Are you pregnant or something because you're acting nuts! Go take a test." The words hit me like a ton of bricks and in that moment I was so angry with him because he knew how badly I wanted to be a mother. He listened to my tears through 19 negative pregnancy tests. I went to go take one just to spite him...

As I completed the test and looked at the test window I saw just 1 line and set it on the edge of the counter and cried. That was number 20. I was overwhelmed and it hit me in that moment that it really may never happen. Something told me to look again. I picked it up, and was going to throw it in the trash, but something said "Look again." I looked one more time at the test window and dropped it. For the first time EVER, I saw 2 pink lines. I was pregnant. I opened the door of the bathroom, walked out to where my husband was and through sobs said "It's positive." He bolted up off the couch and said "No it's not!" And ran over to me and took the test out of my shaking hands. When he saw the lines, he cried right along with me. We couldn't wait to tell our families about the miracle that was taking place! Fear immediately gripped my heart, "What if I lose it? I can't go through that again..." That same peace that visited me in that church service months ago came over me and I knew I would be okay. Our baby would be okay. Addyson Grace was going to be okay. 

God had his hand on me through the entire pregnancy. I never had any major complications. Not one! I was terribly sick throughout, but I know my thoughts can run away sometimes so I'm sure God was just letting me know that I was definitely pregnant. 

On a Wednesday morning  in September, at 9:19 AM, my miracle was placed in my arms.

42 hours of labor, a rough delivery, but so very worth it.

Friend, I know the pain of miscarriage. I know the heartbreak of infertility. I also have been privileged to know the joy of a miracle. Don't lose sight of your miracle! Keep your faith in God and trust that He is working it out for you. God is still in the miracle working business! If He did it for me I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, He WILL do it for you. 

Just know that you're not forgotten. I hear you, more importantly, He hears you. You are loved, valued, and respected. You may not have your baby here with you, but you are still a mother. You may not have given birth, but those children you helped or are helping raise make you a mother. Your child may bark, scratch, and live in a kennel, you are still a mother. 

So from one Mother to another... Happy Mother's Day! 

Love, hugs, and many prayers, 
Lindsey ❤

Thursday, August 28, 2014

JOTOS....Thinking Back Thursday

So, have you ever just sat down and thought, I mean really think back, to times gone by? 

I do it all the time! 

The other day in fact, I was remembering pranks I used to play on my sister with my little brother (sorry Devan 😁) 

Then I thought back to my first crush, the first time I said "I love you" to someone, the first time I met my husband, etc. 

So many happy memories! Obviously there are going to be some not-so-happy ones too, but we won't discuss those now;) 

Those sweet memories made me think even more ... 

Remember that time when being at church meant more than just being somewhere? Remember the time when you were so excited to get that phone call that you were needed to help out with an event? What about that time when you were asked to substitute in Sunday School the first time? 

Remember when you didn't have to remember those feelings? 

I don't want to lose the excitement about church, teaching others, and ministering! That "cloud nine" sense of accomplishment that I felt after every lesson had been taught. Am I so busy that I've forgotten what it feels like to give of myself? Has it just become routine, habit? 

Whew... Lord, help me!

I've done some serious thinking over the past few days. Yes, everyone needs a break. I understand that. But what we need to understand is that serving God should never be a burden! I love to work for His kingdom sake. Do I get tired? Oh yeah. Burnt out? Lots! But will I ever give up? Never. God has been so good to me!

So, remember that time you decided to keep on pushing? Remember the time you thought back to all the blessings God has given you? What about the time you accomplished greater things than you ever imagined? 

Oh yeah, that was today. That, was now. 

Happy Thursday! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

JOTOS.... Thinking About... Thursday

When I get in the car to go somewhere, most of the time I do not turn on any music, which, for me is a big deal considering how much I love music. I just feel like I have more time to think and process things in my mind in the quiet as I drive. There are times however, that I can't stand to think any more so I turn the radio up as loud as I can stand in and sing along to drown out those thoughts...

Today was a music day.

I won't bore you with what I was thinking about... trust me, you don't need to be exposed to the chaos that is my thinking tank. (You're welcome) I couldn't get my brain to stop!

Do you ever feel like you just can't tune out all the chaos in your life? While all those thoughts were swarming about, I reached down for the dial and turned up the melody that was playing.

"Oh great, a commercial... wait, I know that song..." 

All of a sudden all those thoughts that were clouding my head went away as I began to sing "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who was and is, and is to come..."

Worship, true worship, seems to have a way of making us forget about our problems we're facing and focus on what matters. There aren't enough thoughts to drown out the sound of your heart crying out to God. We were created to praise and worship HIM! I smiled as I realized that suddenly, all of the things that were bothering me, weren't bothering me anymore. God has a way of changing our perspective on things.

So today, anytime I start to feel weighed down by all the thoughts in my head... I'm gonna choose to worship instead. (Hey, that rhymes! :) )

Have a wonderful day!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

JOTOS.... It Is Well

This post is going to be very transparent. I'm warning you now before you start to think "Wow, this is very personal". I fully understand just how real I am being... God has been telling me to "just be honest" for a while now. I have fought it, questioned it, now I am embracing it.

Here we go...

Most all of my friends know that I struggle with hormone fluctuations in my body and have a difficult time staying healthy because of it. What some may not know is that it has caused me to have 2 miscarriages... I've lost 2 children. 

Writing it and saying it out loud makes it seem so surreal... But sadly, it is a reality that I live with every day. I have joined the ranks of thousands of women who will never know the joy of those children. Some say that "time heals all wounds" but I think nothing could be more wrong. The more years, weeks and days that pass, the more I miss those special moments I should be experiencing. Please, don't take this as a complaint. Don't think I'm being a "Debbie downer", I'm just being real. 

I struggled for a long time after my first loss with resentment and bitterness. I could not comprehend how MY God could let me go through such an awful thing, and so young.  I had done nothing but stay faithful when all others walked away. I spent all my free time working at and for the church, I centered my entire life around church events, I was constantly thinking of how I could reach more people... How could this be my reward? I held that pain for a long time.

As I healed, I began to hope. Hope that soon I would be healed and be able to conceive again. The holidays came and with it came the stress of planning various events and musicals. I felt tired all the time but chalked it up to business. One night, after an exceptionally long day, I settled down for the evening and my body finally relaxed... Just long enough to lose my second baby. I was numb. I did not want to accept that what had just happened, in fact, happened... Again. 

More sorrow came... More tears... Then peace. A sweet peace that God had a greater plan. 

Several times I have been prayed for. I fully believe that God will/has been healing my body. I still have questions, I still doubt, but I have been working through it all.  In prayer a few weeks ago, something hit me. A realization I suppose. I have been asking God to touch my body and heal these hormones that are out of sync so that I can conceive. Not so that I can feel better, but so I can experience the joy that every other woman gets to experience. What am I doing? Why am I praying this. I should pray for healing. Not just for a baby. 

Then it happened... I heard Him speak to me. 

He said... 

What if I don't? Then what? Will you still trust me? 

I was overwhelmed.... 

But God, why would... How could you not? 


Will you still trust me? 

Oh.... Lord, how selfish am I? Who am I to demand such a thing from God? How could I not have seen and realized that by continuing to plead and storm Heavens gates for a child that I was not trusting Him to do His work? I have never felt so broken in my life as I did in that moment. My whole being crumbled at the foot of the cross as I wept over my selfish heart's cry. 

As tears flowed down my face I felt it happen... Peace filled my soul. I had no words but those of an old hymn... It is well. 

It is well with my soul. If God heals me, I'll praise Him! If he doesn't, I'll praise Him! It is well with my soul. 

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our problems that we don't allow God to move on our behalf. Or like me, we don't trust him to. We demand a result from him as if He should answer to our every beck and call. When instead, He just wants us to be still and know... 

I am fighting back tears as I finish this post... I can't believe that He loves me as much as he does! I am so unworthy of such a worthy God. 

So when troubles rise... It is well. 
When sorrow comes... It is well. 
When joy comes... It is well. 
When, and if, a child ever comes... It is well. 

It is well with my soul. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

New Year, New Blog

I am so completely behind in posting this... It's almost Valentine's Day!

I hope you all have had a wonderful New Year thus far, mine has been wonderful! Let's get an update on The Strawn Family, shall we?

Noah is doing wonderful working for a Security company out of Spring, TX. He loves his job and his employers. I am so thankful for a happy husband. I, in September of 2013, also began working there part time as an Office Assistant. God has truly blessed us!

In October/November of 2013, I learned one of my very good friends was expecting a baby! I could not be more thrilled. Those that know me personally, know that "baby shopping" is one of my favorite things to do so this little one is gonna be extremely spoiled by Auntie Lindsey!

December of 2013 is a blur really... So much happiness to overshadow the tragedy of another miscarriage. In early December I experienced yet another tragic loss. Thankfully, God had his hand on me and the physical effects of the loss were minimal. No pain, just heartache. However, that heartache was quickly healed by the holiday season and the realization that God loved us enough to come to earth as a tiny baby and lived 30+ years going through everything we go through only to sacrifice himself to save us. There is NO greater love than that! My sorrow was definitely turned into joy. I am so thankful.

January of 2014 was a month of celebration! I had a birthday and my hubby and I were able to attend a life-changing conference. We also began working with the children of our home church and I received a pay increase at work. 2014 is definitely proving to be a much better year than last year and for that, I am grateful.

Now... February... the month of love. The month of history. The month of redemption. Feb 6, marked 14 years that I have been baptized in Jesus name :) 14 years of living my life for my Savior! I won't go back, can't go back, don't EVER want to go back to the way it used to be. I cannot imagine how life would be without a personal relationship with The Lord.

God is so good to me, I can't complain. 

Hopefully this year I will stick to this a little better and bring to you uplifting and inspiring blog posts. It is my goal to be real, fun, and inspiring this year:)

Have a great Monday!

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

JOTOS.... Time to Grow Up Tuesday

When I was little... I wanted to grow up so much! I always wanted to do more, be more, reach for more. I never settled for second best. I wanted everything to always be my best. Thankfully, that is something that I have carried over into my adult life.

When it was time to grow up, I was a little worried. Would I be a fun person? Would I be someone who others wanted to be around? How would I look? Lots of questions came... along with many answers.

Today, I am frustrated. I won't put on any airs, I won't try to hide it, I am very irritated.

There seems to be this going trend in teens where they think it is okay and acceptable to treat adults like they are beneath them and that they owe them something. They walk around acting as if they have the world on a string and they are untouchable. No respect for anyone. No regards for anyone. It is disgusting.

I am tired of all the backtalk. I am tired of all the drama. I am tired of all the complaining. If I acted the way most girls do now when I was a teen, I would never have made it to adulthood! :) My parents made sure I understood that I was not more important than anyone else in this world. They instilled in me self discipline, motivation, respect and confidence. They taught me NEVER to make or let someone feel inferior. If there was someone who needed a friend, my parents encouraged me to be there for them. Not talk about them. Not make fun of them. Help them.

This world did not owe me a thing. It was a privilege to have nice clothes, food on the table, and a roof over my head. I did not take those things for granted.

It is truly heart shattering that nowadays there is nothing but a "give-me" attitude. Teens feel socially deprived without the latest technology, clothes, or gadgets. They want more and more and refuse to give any of themselves to God. I don't understand it.

I will quote myself here- "Talking behind someone's back doesn't mean they don't hear you." Belittling others is all too common now. Gossip kills. Another one of my quotes- "The more you cut someone down, less people respect you." Any girls reading this.... PLEASE, don't allow yourself to fall prey to this attitude or spirit. It is so unbecoming and can make you a bitter and cynical person. You are worth so much more than a rumor. If your friends aren't helping you grow in God, it's time to find new friends! 


I hope my words help someone wake up and realize that words (and attitudes) matter! 

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Monday, August 19, 2013

JOTOS.... My, My, Monday

This past weekend has probably been one of the best weekends that I have had in a very long time. I was able to hang out with friends and just relax. There is no greater feeling than that.


My thoughts for today...

I don't claim to be "the world's greatest Christian" or "super spiritual" at all, however, I feel like I am very in tune with what God has for me to do and say. Today, I want to talk about being genuine in a superficial world.

Porcelain Dolls.
They're nice to look at, but after a while, they're boring and aren't very pleasing. You can't cart them around with you, or they'll break. You can't change their clothes, they won't come off. You can't wrap it up in a hug, it's too hard... sometimes, we as people can be the same way.

We want to be pleasing to the eye so we do everything, and wear everything we can to make people believe that we have it all together. Buy the right clothes, carry the right hand-bag, make sure every hair is in place, and laugh off any criticism as people being "jealous". At the end of the day, we are left hollow inside. There's nothing to us but what we plaster on the outside for people to see. Then we wonder why it is that we cry ourselves to sleep every night.

Why be porcelain when you can be real? Being real takes so little. You wear what you are comfortable in, you spend what you're comfortable to spend, your hair reflects your true personality, and you feel good about yourself! You don't have to try to fit in, because you DO fit in! You are you!

I myself have struggled with this before as most of you know. I hated the word perfect. It  plagued my every thought. Now? Now I have no problem being me. You know why? Because being real is so much easier than being fake! There's enough superficial in this world without me being the same way. ;)
I LOVE this quote!

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